In PyBrain, networks are composed of Modules which are connected with Connections. You can think of a network as a directed acyclic graph, where the nodes are Modules and the edges are Connections. This makes PyBrain very flexible but it is also not necessary in all cases.
Thus, there is a simple way to create networks, which is the buildNetwork shortcut:
{% highlight python %}
from import buildNetwork net = buildNetwork(2, 3, 1)
{% endhighlight %}
This call returns a network that has two inputs, three hidden and a single output neuron. In PyBrain, these layers are Module objects and they are already connected with FullConnection objects.
__author__ = 'Tom Schaul and Thomas Rueckstiess'
from itertools import chain
import logging
from sys import exit as errorexit
from pybrain.structure.networks.feedforward import FeedForwardNetwork
from pybrain.structure.networks.recurrent import RecurrentNetwork
from pybrain.structure.modules import BiasUnit, SigmoidLayer, LinearLayer, LSTMLayer
from pybrain.structure.connections import FullConnection, IdentityConnection
from arac.pybrainbridge import _RecurrentNetwork, _FeedForwardNetwork
except ImportError, e:"No fast networks available: %s" % e)
class NetworkError(Exception): pass
def buildNetwork(*layers, **options):
"""Build arbitrarily deep networks.
`layers` should be a list or tuple of integers, that indicate how many
neurons the layers should have. `bias` and `outputbias` are flags to
indicate whether the network should have the corresponding biases; both
default to True.
To adjust the classes for the layers use the `hiddenclass` and `outclass`
parameters, which expect a subclass of :class:`NeuronLayer`.
If the `recurrent` flag is set, a :class:`RecurrentNetwork` will be created,
otherwise a :class:`FeedForwardNetwork`.
If the `fast` flag is set, faster arac networks will be used instead of the
pybrain implementations."""
# options
opt = {'bias': True,
'hiddenclass': SigmoidLayer,
'outclass': LinearLayer,
'outputbias': True,
'peepholes': False,
'recurrent': False,
'fast': False,
for key in options:
if key not in opt.keys():
raise NetworkError('buildNetwork unknown option: %s' % key)
opt[key] = options[key]
if len(layers) < 2:
raise NetworkError('buildNetwork needs 2 arguments for input and output layers at least.')
# Bind the right class to the Network name
network_map = {
(False, False): FeedForwardNetwork,
(True, False): RecurrentNetwork,
network_map[(False, True)] = _FeedForwardNetwork
network_map[(True, True)] = _RecurrentNetwork
except NameError:
if opt['fast']:
raise NetworkError("No fast networks available.")
if opt['hiddenclass'].sequential or opt['outclass'].sequential:
if not opt['recurrent']:
# CHECKME: a warning here?
opt['recurrent'] = True
Network = network_map[opt['recurrent'], opt['fast']]
n = Network()
# linear input layer
n.addInputModule(LinearLayer(layers[0], name='in'))
# output layer of type 'outclass'
n.addOutputModule(opt['outclass'](layers[-1], name='out'))
if opt['bias']:
# add bias module and connection to out module, if desired
if opt['outputbias']:
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['bias'], n['out']))
# arbitrary number of hidden layers of type 'hiddenclass'
for i, num in enumerate(layers[1:-1]):
layername = 'hidden%i' % i
n.addModule(opt['hiddenclass'](num, name=layername))
if opt['bias']:
# also connect all the layers with the bias
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['bias'], n[layername]))
# connections between hidden layers
for i in range(len(layers) - 3):
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden%i' % i], n['hidden%i' % (i + 1)]))
# other connections
if len(layers) == 2:
# flat network, connection from in to out
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['in'], n['out']))
# network with hidden layer(s), connections from in to first hidden and last hidden to out
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['in'], n['hidden0']))
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden%i' % (len(layers) - 3)], n['out']))
# recurrent connections
if issubclass(opt['hiddenclass'], LSTMLayer):
if len(layers) > 3:
errorexit("LSTM networks with > 1 hidden layers are not supported!")
n.addRecurrentConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden0'], n['hidden0']))
return n
def _buildNetwork(*layers, **options):
"""This is a helper function to create different kinds of networks.
`layers` is a list of tuples. Each tuple can contain an arbitrary number of
layers, each being connected to the next one with IdentityConnections. Due
to this, all layers have to have the same dimension. We call these tuples
Afterwards, the last layer of one tuple is connected to the first layer of
the following tuple by a FullConnection.
If the keyword argument bias is given, BiasUnits are added additionally with
every FullConnection.
(SigmoidLayer(4), GaussianLayer(4)),
bias = options['bias'] if 'bias' in options else False
net = FeedForwardNetwork()
layerParts = iter(layers)
firstPart = iter(
firstLayer =
prevLayer = firstLayer
for part in chain(firstPart, layerParts):
new_part = True
for layer in part:
# Pick class depending on whether we entered a new part
if new_part:
ConnectionClass = FullConnection
if bias:
biasUnit = BiasUnit('BiasUnit for %s' %
net.addConnection(FullConnection(biasUnit, layer))
ConnectionClass = IdentityConnection
new_part = False
conn = ConnectionClass(prevLayer, layer)
prevLayer = layer
return net
RecurrentNetwork:递归网络 FeedForwardNetwork:前馈神经网络
1- def buildNetwork (layers, **options)中“”与“**”的意义。
def func(*args):print(args)
当用func(1,2,3) 调用函数时,参数args就是元组(1,2,3)
def func(**args):print(args)
当用func(a=1,b=2) 调用函数时,参数args将会是字典{'a':1,'b':2}
def func(*args1, **args2):
当调用func(1,2, a=1,b=2)时,打印:(1,2) {'a': 1, 'b': 2} 当调用func(a=1,b=2)时,打印:() {'a': 1, 'b': 2} 当调用func(1,2)时,打印:(1,2) {}
2 - def buildNetwork(*layers, **options): 中“”与“__”的意义。
_单下划线开头:弱“内部使用”标识,如:”from M import *”,将不导入所有以下划线开头的对象,包括包、模块、成员
S-1 Bind the right class to the Network name
Network = network_map[opt['recurrent'], opt['fast']]
S-2 Init network
n = Network()
# linear input layer
n.addInputModule(LinearLayer(layers[0], name='in'))
# output layer of type 'outclass'
n.addOutputModule(opt\['outclass'](layers[-1], name='out'))
# arbitrary number of hidden layers of type 'hiddenclass'
for i, num in enumerate(layers[1:-1]):
layername = 'hidden%i' % i
n.addModule(opt\['hiddenclass'](num, name=layername))
S-3 Connections among layers
# connections between hidden layers
for i in range(len(layers) - 3):
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden%i' % i], n['hidden%i' % (i + 1)]))
# other connections
if len(layers) == 2:
# flat network, connection from in to out
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['in'], n['out']))
# network with hidden layer(s), connections from in to first hidden and last hidden to out
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['in'], n['hidden0']))
n.addConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden%i' % (len(layers) - 3)], n['out']))
S-4 Recurrent connections
# recurrent connections
if issubclass(opt['hiddenclass'], LSTMLayer):
if len(layers) > 3:
errorexit("LSTM networks with > 1 hidden layers are not supported!")
n.addRecurrentConnection(FullConnection(n['hidden0'], n['hidden0']))